Saturday, December 3, 2016

Taylors first Varsity win!

Matt is still healing from his injury, so he didn't wrestle in Gentry duals this week, but Taylor did.  Tay is wrestling 120... his opponent was tough but Tay came through with the win!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Christmas Tree decorating 2016

First time ever that the boys decorated the tree all by themselves (and the first time ever I haven't changed anything afterward )

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016 video

Very Happy Thanksgiving with everyone together!

Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving started early with Jeff and Noah running in the Turkey Trot 5k.  Andi and I walked part of the course and were the "fan club" as the boys crossed the finish line.

We were using all the burners on the stove, so Jeff used the grill to make the stuffing!

We gathered at the Davis house around noon... below are some highlights.  We all have a lot to be thankful for!

Monday, November 21, 2016

2016 Visit from GrandDad & Mama Mae

We had a great visit with Dad and Andi on Thanksgiving week.

There were games played... Gin, Checkers and a new one called Scribblish, which was hysterical.

We had a party to celebrate the two 18yr olds-- Matt and Josie.

And Andi got stalked by Bear during her stay... we all give Bear a wide berth!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Matt turns 18!

Yep, I'm experimenting with IMovie :)

The  boys filled Matt's room with Balloons for his bday.