Friday, October 25, 2013

What do the following have in common: Noah, apple cider vinegar & plantars wart?

I was ready to find a doctor to remove a large plantars wart from the bottom of Noah's foot. It was getting caught on things and was bothering him when he ran.

I began asking around about doctors and I am embarrassed to say a friend had to tell me about this natural method for removing warts!  I have never heard of it!

My friend Allison, and another lady we know, both successfully removed the warts from their daughters by using apple cider vinegar!

So, Noah and I tried it... each night we used a Band-Aid to "tape" a small piece of cotton swab that we had soaked in raw apple cider vinegar.  We were told it would probably take several weeks to a month for it to be gone completely.

We were SHOCKED by the outcome.... his wart was gone after 6 applications!!!  Within a week... GONE.  It was so interesting that we took a pic each morning to document how well it worked. 

Morning after the first application:

Morning after 2nd application:

Morning after 3rd application:  part of it has come off and it's flattened out

Morning after 4th application... now it just looks like a scab

Monday, October 7, 2013

Matt wins Homecoming Queen (9th grade)

Yes, the moment every mother is proud of... when she opens up Facebook and finds that her SON has been elected "Homecoming Queen".

I love the fact that Matt doesn't take himself too seriously and can have a little fun, at his own expense.  From the parents who witnessed the event at the pep rally (which Jeff and I knew NOTHING about), Matt apparently hammed it up quite a bit!