Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009- Tulsa Zoo

On a whim, Jeff suggested we go to Tulsa for Halloween... the zoo had Halloween events scheduled that night after they closed.  So we loaded up and went to the zoo... see that pictures below

the Seiter family of monkeys...

Matthew Monkey

Taylor Monkey

Napping Lion

After the zoo closed, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Macaroni Grill, and ate dinner. 
When we got back to the zoo for the evening Halloween events, the line was so long, we couldn't have gotten in before it ended, so we went home, satisfied after having a great day and dinner.  Who needs Halloween candy anyway?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Patch pics- 2009

Yes, it's that time again... time for the annual pumpking patch pictures!  This year included the Seiter family, the Davis family (minus Kev), Gramma, Papa and Connie.  Jeff was able to make it after school for pictures this year!

Aud and Jeff (don't see too many of just the two of us)

Mom and boys

Dad and boys

Dad and boys again

Papa joins us

Gramma and Connie get in the pictures

Cath and her clan

Friday, October 23, 2009

Matthew turn 11!

Matthew invited 4 boys from school but Bryce couldn't come, so only 3 spent the night:  Quinn, Ethan and Charlie.  Morgan and both brothers were also among the crew!

I picked them all up from school and then we picked Morgan up from home.

They voted to go to Fun City, so, after they ate pizza and chocolate cake & ice cream, Jeff took them to Fun City for an evening of fun!

The next morning they had nerf wars and played until about 11am.

Check out all the goofy pictures from the party!