Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Storm Jan 2009 - declared Natural Disaster

NWA has been declared a Natural Disaster area and the government has supplied aid to those in need. Some families have been out of power since Tuesday and won't be back up until Feb 2nd. We were very fortunate to be out of power only one night and then intermittently through Thursday night.

Below are some excerpts from our local power companies:
"The peak of storm outages was 59,000 Tuesday night at 8 p.m."-- Swepco

"Today (Friday) Ozarks Electric Crews, along with 130 personnel from other cooperatives and contract companies have worked in Arkansas and Oklahoma to continue power restoration efforts to 22,000 remaining cooperative members still without power. Doubling the workforce with outside resources has helped speed the recovery efforts. Besides 500 broken poles throughout the system, the main obstacle has been the enormous issue of trees, limbs and debris scattered on roadways, and over power lines."

Below are some of the local pictures our family took.

The Davis' were practically enclosed in their home-- trees came down in front and behind their house and they had to cut trees to get in and out of their home. Their biggest loss was a huge tree that was completely uprooted in their back yard. Fortunately, their trampoline was not crushed as originally thought and at least one of the pear trees may make it. Below are pictures from different angles -- the tree was so massive, it couldn't be captured in just one pic.

Notice how the tree house is standing upright and also that the swing set wasn't damaged! Blessings!

Matthew took the next two pics through a screen -- gives them an interesting "look".

The pic below is the next door neighbor of the Davis fam.

Next, we've captured some of the road coverage by downed trees -- this is still a common sight.

Hardly a tree in NWA was spared damage--- by the end of the week, many were stripped down to little more than their trunk.

This is the front of our old house on Pin Oak -- MANY tree limbs down in their front and back yard.

Many tree limbs down on the sides of our current yard -- this is by the garden.

We don't know if this tree by our pool is going to make it... and, speaking of our pool... the pipes broke and will need to be re-built before summer--- anticipating it being very expensive repairs!

Picture of our neighbors trees taken from our back porch.

Although the ice ravaged the landscape in its path of destruction, it was also quite breathtaking when captured by the sunlight.

God, please heal and restore our land and our people. When devastation hits our land, I am reminded that it is not "natural" at all-- it was never intended but is a result of sin entering the world.
Romans 8: 18-22 (Paul writing to the church in Rome)
" I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. "

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter Storm 2009- Mon Jan 26 through Jan 31st

It all started Monday night. Springdale schools got out at 2pm and Fayetteville schools dismissed at 1pm. Then the rain/ice began to fall and the roads began getting slick around 5pm.

We awoke Tuesday to no school, ice on the trees and continued rain/sleet falling... ALL DAY! We heard reports of electricity going out and tree limbs falling. Our electric was out for about an hour and stayed on the remainder of the day until 5pm, after which is was out until noonish on Wednesday.

We ate by candle-light-- fortunately, I made the soup before the power left us so it was on the stove and still warm.

The boys and I watched most of Star Wars, The Clone Wars on the remaining battery power in one of my work laptops. We all snuggled in early for the night, piling on multiple comforters and extra bedding.

Wednesday, we woke up to no school again and a beautiful, yet destructive, winter wonderland! Most Springdale families could be without power until Saturday. There are a plethora of downed power lines and even power grids are out. We pray for those out there working in the elements so we can have power -- God, keep them warm and safe-- and bless them for their sacrifice!

The roads look like obstacle courses, blocked by tree limbs in some places and uprooted trees in others. Many have experienced damage to their homes/vehicles due to broken limbs and even uprooted trees.

Below are pictures from our kitchen door (back of our house). See how the heavy ice has destroyed some of the neighbors trees. Very sad! While the ice looks beautiful, especially when the sun peaks out and hits it, it is such a destructive force.

Jeff and Matthew have gone out with the chain saw to lend a hand to family, friends and strangers. The opportunity to help is great!
My sister has experienced tremendous loss as a huge tree that housed a tree house in their back yard was uprooted. That tree knocked over both their pear trees, crushed the trampoline, wrecked the tree house, zip line and tire swing until it finally caused damage to their fence.

Lord please give us the hearts to work together and help those that have experienced loss during this storm. Help the body of Christ be united and ready to lend a hand to all those in need... for YOUR Glory! Amen.